How To Deal With Debt If You Have A Bad Credit

bad credit Canada

Getting out of debt with a bad credit may seem like impossible thing to do, but really doable. Help is available without having to resort to getting a bigger loan with even higher interest rates to cover all other existing smaller loans.

What Happens To My Tax Refund During A Debt Relief Program?

tax refund debt relief program

Tax season is just around the corner; what to do if you are planning to take on a debt consolidation program. Below are the things you need to know if you are planning to file a debt relief program to get rid of debt but are worried about your Tax Refund.

Top 4 Questions On The Effect Of Debt Consolidation To Your Credit Score

credit score debt consolidation

We understand that you will be asking a number of questions before you decide to apply for a government-approved debt consolidation program. First on the list would most probably be “whether you can apply for credit or not” during the period of the program. Others also might want to know “will I still be able to use my credit card” under a debt consolidation program or “will my credit be affected?”.

Warning Signs That You Have A Debt Problem

debt problem Canada

Learning and accepting you have a debt problem is the first step towards solving your debt problems. Below are warning signs that you should check out to know if you are experiencing problems with your debts and what options are there to solve them.

Important Information You Must Know About CERB Debt Repayment

CERB debt repayment

It’s taxation time, Canadians are starting to seek advice, guidance, and solutions on how to manage different types of consumer debts including money owed from the federal and provincial government. CERB debt repayment can be one on your list and the earlier you seek a solution, the better prepared you can be.

What Are The Best Canada Debt Consolidation Programs In 2023

debt consolidation program Canada

In Canada, one of the options available to provide debt relief is debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation simplifies the process of paying off multiple sources of debt by consolidating them into one monthly payment. There are several debt consolidation programs available in Canada that can help people pay their debts.