How To Prepare For CERB Tax Payments And Payment Deferrals

To make ends meet, many Canadians have taken advantage of CERB and payment deferrals. It was a tough year (2020) for the majority of Canadian households due to the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has brought on everyone.
What Happens To My Tax Refund During A Debt Relief Program?

Tax season is just around the corner; what to do if you are planning to take on a debt consolidation program. Below are the things you need to know if you are planning to file a debt relief program to get rid of debt but are worried about your Tax Refund.
Warning Signs That You Have A Debt Problem

Learning and accepting you have a debt problem is the first step towards solving your debt problems. Below are warning signs that you should check out to know if you are experiencing problems with your debts and what options are there to solve them.
Take Control Of Your 2023 Finances With A Budget

Staying afloat during COVID-19 has been a challenge for most households especially now that the unemployment rate has risen due to companies closing down their businesses. People that are living by paycheck to paycheck are the ones taking the hardest hit in their finances.
How A Debt Consolidation Program Impacts Your Mortgage Or Home

Is a legally binding process between debtor and creditors that help Canadians pay off debt. Administered by a debt relief agency, a debt consolidation program can be negotiated between you and your creditors to reduce your debt by up to 75%.
Facts And Important Information about Credit Card Minimum Payments

A lot of us have been making minimum payments-especially when COVID-19 started, hoping that next month will be better and they could pay more. However, this has been the case even before the pandemic happened.
Canadian Customer Debt Relief for Seniors

Relaxing for the rest of your life after years of hard work is every senior’s dream. However, that is not always the case. Nowadays, there is a significant number of seniors experiencing debt issues as they go through retirement.
Should You or Should You Not Pay a Debt Collection Agency this 2023?

If you don’t pay your bank loan, credit card bill, or other debt, your lender can submit your file to a collection agency. The role of a collection agent is to call you and take whatever steps are required to collect the money.