How To Stop Credit Card Debt In Canada In 2-3 Days

Back in March, the credit rating agency Equifax Canada found that non-mortgage debt (credit cards, loans, lines of credit) amounted to $23,800 at the end of 2019.
Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Get A Debt Consolidation Plan

Debt Consolidation is a government-approved program of consolidating your debts into a single monthly payment. National Debt Relief Services is Canada’s trusted debt relief agency that can help create a personalized debt relief program for you based on your current financial situation.
What Happens Before, During, & After A Debt Consolidation Program

Are you struggling to pay what you owe? Is your debt balance not coming down? Do you owe more than $10,000 worth of debts? You must be thinking of taking a debt consolidation program but would like to know what happens before, during, and after. Read on, and this article will explain to you what to expect during this process.
Debt-Stress Impact on Health & How to Manage It

Debt not only affects our financial health, but also our physical and emotional health – which is why, it is important to understand how to manage this situation to avoid further health and financial damage.
How Important Is The Debt-To-Income Ratio To Canadians?

Due to the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the debt-to-income ratio in Canadian households has been on the rise since 2020.
How To Qualify For a Tax Debt Relief In Canada

Failing to pay your tax obligations on time can lead to penalties and interest charges. Unlike any other creditors, CRA is a powerful government agency that performs collection activities to another level.
2023 Tips for Tax Debt Relief

Tax season can be one of the most stressful times of the year for anyone having unpaid dues with the Canada Revenue Agency.
Best Canadian Debt Consolidation Companies

It is a government-approved program which gives you the option to off all your debts with a single loan. You will have a single debt to pay off all other debts at a lower interest. This means you’ll only be making a single payment every month.
5-Must Dos After Completing A Debt Consolidation Program

Having completed your debt consolidation program means you have successfully paid all your scheduled monthly payments. At this point, you are debt-free and should enjoy a fresh start.
Can You Run Away From Old Debts? | Ontario Limitations Act

If you are thinking about ignoring your debt and simply doing nothing, think twice; there are consequences for not paying up your debt. Read this article to know more information about how the Ontario Limitations Act works and what you can do to get rid of unmanageable debt.